Technical Writing
“Technical writing is a form of communication that professionals use to convey information about specialized topics. A technical writer might create content to provide instructions or explain technical concepts regarding environmental regulations, computer applications or medical procedures. Some of the most common industries that rely on technical writing include:
- Engineering
- Computer software and hardware
- Robotics
- Chemistry
- Finance
- Consumer electronics
- Forestry
- Aeronautics
- Medical and health care
- Biotechnology
Examples of technical writing
Here are some prominent examples of technical writing:
- Instruction manuals
- E-learning content
- Software installation guides
- Product specifications
- Product descriptions
- Reports
- Press releases
- Business proposals
- Job descriptions
- Textbooks
- Company documents
- Case studies”
(What Is Technical Writing? Definition, Examples and Steps | Indeed.com)
In your profession, there are terminologies that you and your associates understand and even use abbreviations. However, if your spouse is in a completed different profession, he or she will speak in terminologies and abbreviations that their associates share, but neither of you understands each other’s work lingo. This is where technical writers come into play.
Technical writers translate professional languages into more common, non-technical terms and speech and convert it into a legible language. When a radiologist tells you that you have a third metatarsal fracture, unless you are familiar with this terminology, you might be thinking “What?” You need someone to interpret that report into your language. The radiologist told you that the middle (third) bone in your foot is fractured.
Professionals in varying fields, from doctors and engineers to attorneys and others, need to communicate complex topics to non-professional consumers. Technical writers are the link to these specialists and customers. Technical writing describes the method of making complex and intricate information clear and simple for users through reports, product descriptions or instruction manuals.
I have experience with technical writing in most of the industries in and around the Houston, Texas area, including:
- Computer software - ResWare Training Manuals, for all 50 states for Stewart Title
- Finance - Reports, Budgets and Brochures for instructions, including:
- Pennzoil-Quaker State
- Enron
- First Southwest Company (Investment Banking firm for numerous Texas municipalities, including the State of Texas, numerous cities, counties, toll road authorities, municipal utility districts, etc.)
- Houston Community College
- Chevron Africa and Latin America E&P
- Arthur Anderson project for Waste Management
- Deloitte & Touche
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
- National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), including NASA and Baylor College of Medicine Space Medicine Program
- Stewart Title
- Medical and health care – Kelsey-Seybold/MedPartners & PacifiCare
- Pharmaceuticals – Pfizer and Astellas Pharma
Here are some major examples of my technical writing:
- Instruction manuals – SuccessFactors Training Administrator Manual, among others
- E-learning content – Multiple types of e-learning content for Stage Stores, Stewart Title, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Pfizer and Astellas Pharma
- Business proposals
- Requests for Proposal
- Responses to Requests for Proposal
- Statements of Qualification
- Company documents of all types (as Executive Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Legal Executive Assistance and Human Resources Executive Assistant)
As a technical writer, I have written for specific industry and type of audience with language focused on the industry, lingo and education level of the audience. Other documents were written for a more general audience.