
Legal writing involves a specified patterns and presentation of facts, detailed information and specified agreed information included in the legal document. Usually this is stated initially more basically, then followed by more detailed information to be certain absolutely clear with all of the facts.


My experience with legal writing is in reports and summaries for General Counsels and attorneys in corporate legal settings in Oil & Gas companies. In addition, I have six full years experiencing in preparing and completing municipal bond offering documents which are intended to provide potential investors, then investors with:

  • terms of the bond(s)
  • audit/financial details about the issuer
  • specified information for the purpose of the bonds
  • specified information of how/from what funds issuer will pay
  • information regarding the redemption of the bonds
  • expected maturity of the bonds and if the bonds can be redeemed prior to maturity
  • when and how principal and interest on the bonds will be repaid
  • within the document, there is:
    • audit information verifying the financial security about the issuer
    • credit ratings of the issuer
    • insurer of the bonds
    • finalized debt repayment schedule of the bonds
  • These final documents are housed in EMMA for investors to access


The other experience that I have in legal writing is in preparing contracts and process invoices of contracts, as well as preparing Power of Attorneys (including for Health Care), Living Wills and Wills. At that time, I was also a Notary Public, which allowed me to complete these documents. I am no longer a Notary Public at this time because I no longer need to maintain it.